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IFF Interleaved Bitmap Image  |  1996-09-26  |  27KB  |  530x366  |  4-bit (5 colors)
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OCR: Here's how DaLastAlert3 could be seen in your Workbench right after installation ... DaLastAlert v3. Oc About DaLastAlert3 Alert Number: $80000005 DaLastAlert v3. Oc (09-Feb-95) Alert Task: $081DIAB8 This utility is released as FREEWARE. Alert Name: ACPU_DivZero This means that the distribution is Spec. Alert: Divide by zero freely distributable, but are also Copyright(c) 1995 Jørgen 'Da' Larsen. Spec. Error: Hardware/CPU If you want to make contact with me Alert Number: $80000005 or Posse Pro. Denmark then write to: About Last alert Quit S-Mail: Jørgen 'Da' Larsen Carl Blochs Vej 20 9000 Aalborg Denmark E-Mail: dapp . iesd. auc.dk okay